Sunday, 20 November 2005

Grey Cheeked Thrush, Great Wood Country Park, Cuffley, Hertfordshire. 20th November 2005

Ive had a long drive today down to Cuffley in Hertfordshire for a superb Grey Cheeked Thrush. 
Its my first vagrant American thrush and it was very much well worth the trip. I set off at 1am to get there for first light, and on arriving at the Country Park, it was obvious the bird was pulling 'em in. There were loads of twitchers about, but locating the thrush was very difficult. Add to that, the very muddy slippy conditions underfoot didnt help.
There were a few shouts but all proved fruitless. This afternoon though, I was just in the right place at the right time, when the thrush popped up unexpected on a tree stump. It didnt stay long, but I managed a few images before it scurried off in true Catharus characteristics